T-Shirt 7 (S, M, L, X-LG) Did Time
I Did Time in Huntsville
2070 - Small 2071 - Medium 2072 - Large 2073 - X-Lgr.
2074 - XX-Lgr. (Retails for $20.00) 2075 - XXX-Lgr. (Retails for $20.00)
The Texas Prison Museum offers an intriguing glimpse into the lives of the state's imprisoned citizens. The museum features numerous exhibits detailing the history of the Texas prison system, featuring a look inside the operations behind the fences and walls.
Adults $8;
Seniors 60+ / Active or Retired Military / First
Responders / TDCJ Employees/
SHSU Students - $6;
Ages 6 / 17 - $7;
Group Rates - $5.00;
5 years and under - No Charge.
Contact Information:
491 Hwy 75 N
Huntsville, TX 77320
Admission Adjustments
January 1, 2025:
I Did Time in Huntsville
2070 - Small 2071 - Medium 2072 - Large 2073 - X-Lgr.
2074 - XX-Lgr. (Retails for $20.00) 2075 - XXX-Lgr. (Retails for $20.00)